Coding Finance R

R/Reuters Time Series Data Extension

This is an upload of the historical data retrieval component of the R/Reuters interface that I presented at the R user conference in August 2008 (see the presentation here).

The extension is a C++ DLL that uses the Reuters SFC API to retrieve limited time series data from the TS1 time series service. It is compiled under Visual Studio 2005 and Windows XP, but could be cross-compiled to Linux without too much difficulty.

The DLL comes with a .R file that contains commands to load the DLL, and set up some necessary initialization. If you are familiar with Reuters infrastructure and APIs, the following points are important:

  • This extension has been built with support for SSL infrastructure only;
  • You will need to provide appropriate parameters to the init() function (see the documentation for details).

The extension, plus the associated source and documentation can be downloaded here:

The package makes retrieving time series data for analysis easy: I have provided a single entrypoint for retrieving data, called fetch(). This will return a data frame with a Date column and one or more data columns, depending on the data being requested.

Some examples follow:

First, an example that fetches historical daily price data for Microsoft stock and creates a price/volume chart (the historical data returned contains OHLC price data and volume data):

msft.vol < - fetch("MSFT.O",sd="1/1/2008",ed="10/31/2008") layout(matrix(c(1,1,1,1,2,2), 3, 2, T)) plot(msft.vol$Date, msft.vol$CLS, main="MSFT Close Price", type="l", ylab="", xlab="Date") plot(msft.vol$Date, msft.vol$VOL, main="Volume", type='h', ylab="", xlab="")

MSFT Chart
MSFT Chart

The next example retrieves historical price data for the highest and lowest-rated ABX subprime indices – sometimes called the barometers of the subprime crisis: < - fetch("ABXAA38FGB=MP", sd="1/1/2007", ed="12/1/2008", t="d") abx.bbb <- fetch("ABXBM38FGB=MP", sd="1/1/2007", ed="12/1/2008", t="d") op <- par(mfcol=c(2,1),las=2) plot(...)

ABX AAA and BBB- Indices
ABX AAA and BBB- Indices

Finally, an example that shows the yield spreads between AAA and BBB-rated benchmark corporate bonds, and a 10-year US treasury bond:

aaa10y < - fetch("AAAUSD10Y=", n=600, t="d") bbb10y <- fetch("BBBUSD10Y=", n=600, t="d") ust10y <- fetch("US10YT=RR", n=600, t="d") aaa10y.series <- zoo(aaa10y,$Date) bbb10y.series <- zoo(bbb10y,$Date) ust10y.series < - zoo(ust10y,$Date) full.series <- merge(aaa10y.series, bbb10y.series, ust10y.series, all=FALSE) ...

Yield Spreads
Yield Spreads

There are many more examples, plus documentation of the required R functions and their usage, in the manual:

Introductory Manual
Introductory Manual

UPDATE: The above package was built in Visual C++ 2005 using debug mode. I have attached another package below that was built in release mode. This package also includes the msvcrt redistributable DLLs, in case you get linker issues when R is loading the extension (as it was built using the MSVCRT 8.0 runtime).

NB: This extension also depends on the Reuters SFC DLLs – specifically it loads ssl45w3280.dll and sipc3280.dll. These are available in the Reuters SSL C++ SDK version 4.5.5 (the latest version at the time of writing). I cannot legally redistribute these DLLs, so I would suggest that you download them from the Reuters development support site. Once downloaded, these DLLs should be in your system PATH (or in the same directory as the extension), so they can be loaded on demand.

DISCLAIMER: This software is not developed by Thomson Reuters and Thomson Reuters are in no way responsible for support or malfunction of this software.